How to Use the Command Prompt: A Comprehensive Guide (2024)

The command prompt, also known as the CLI (Command-Line Interface), console, shell, or terminal, is a text-based interface available on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and some Linux distributions. It provides a way to enter text commands to interact with the operating system and perform various tasks without using a graphical interface.

What is the Command Prompt Used For?

The command prompt is used to interact with the PC's operating system through specific commands. It allows users to directly issue commands to the operating system using the keyboard, without the need for a graphical user interface (GUI). These text commands enable a wide range of operations, from basic file management to advanced tasks, including:

1. File Management: Create, copy, move, rename, and delete files and folders, as well as view their list or properties. 2. File Navigation: Navigate through folders and view the contents of folders in the operating system. 3. Automation: The command prompt is widely used to automate repetitive tasks through scripting. These scripts can execute a series of commands in sequence, allowing for the automation of complex activities. 4. Process Management: View and manage running processes in the operating system. This includes starting, stopping, or pausing existing processes, as well as monitoring the resources they consume. 5. Troubleshooting: The command prompt is a useful tool for diagnosing and resolving potential issues with the operating system. For example, you can run commands to check network connectivity, analyze system logs, and identify the causes of any malfunctions. 6. User and Permission Management: System administrators can use the command prompt to create, modify, and delete users, as well as assign permissions and roles. 7. System Configuration: Through the command prompt, you can modify system settings, such as environment variables, network settings, and numerous other options. 8. Data Manipulation: You can use the command prompt to analyze and manipulate text data, such as filtering and transforming data through specific commands. 9. Remote Access: In some cases, the command prompt can be used to access and manage remote systems using specialized protocols like SSH.

How to Open the Command Prompt

The method for opening the command prompt varies depending on the operating system you are using. Here are the instructions for opening the command prompt on Windows, macOS, and Linux:


  • Windows 10 and Windows 11: Press the Windows key on your keyboard to open the Start menu. Type "command prompt" or "cmd" in the search box and press Enter. If you want to open the command prompt as an administrator, right-click on the Command Prompt application in the search results and select "Run as administrator."
  • Previous versions of Windows: Press the Windows key and, while holding it down, press the letter "R" to open the Run window. Type "cmd" and press Enter.


  • You can open the Terminal on macOS using Spotlight. Press the Command key and, while holding it down, press the space bar to open Spotlight. Then, type "terminal" and press Enter.


  • GNOME-based distributions: Search for the Terminal application in the application launcher or menu.
  • KDE-based distributions: Search for the Konsole application in the application launcher or menu.
  • Other interface-based distributions: Search for the Terminal or Command Prompt application in the application launcher or menu.

In some Linux distributions, you can also open the terminal using keyboard shortcuts, such as Ctrl + Alt + T.

Please note that the command prompt may vary slightly depending on the operating system you are using. Once you have opened the command prompt, you can enter text commands to interact with your operating system using this interface.

How to Use the Command Prompt

The key to mastering the command prompt lies in understanding the syntax of commands. Each command has a specific structure and can often be customized with options and/or parameters. For example, the "ls" command in Linux/Unix lists the contents of a folder, but adding the "-l" option provides a detailed list with additional information about the files.

If you want to copy a file from one location to another, you can use a command like "copy" in Windows or "cp" in Linux/Unix, followed by the file paths involved. Similarly, you can run commands to view information about the operating system, list the contents of a folder, modify file permissions, and much more.

Here are some examples of commonly used commands in Windows, macOS, and Linux. Each command should be written as indicated, followed by any parameters for that command, and then press Enter to execute it.


  • dir: Lists the contents of a folder.
  • cd: Changes the current folder.
  • mkdir: Creates a new folder.
  • copy: Copies a file or folder.
  • move: Moves a file or folder.
  • del or erase: Deletes a file.
  • ren: Renames a file.
  • ipconfig: Displays IP configuration information.
  • ping: Tests network connectivity to a specific IP address.
  • tasklist: Displays the list of running processes.
  • taskkill: Terminates a running process.
  • systeminfo: Displays detailed information about the operating system.

macOS and Linux:

  • ls: Lists the contents of a folder.
  • cd: Changes the current folder.
  • mkdir: Creates a new folder.
  • cp: Copies a file or folder.
  • mv: Moves a file or folder.
  • rm: Deletes a file.
  • rename: Renames a file.
  • ifconfig or ip: Displays IP configuration information.
  • ping: Tests network connectivity to a specific IP address.
  • ps: Displays the list of running processes.
  • kill: Terminates a running process.
  • uname: Displays information about the operating system.

These are just a few examples of the commands you can try in the command prompt. The list is much broader and varies depending on users' needs and the tasks they want to perform. Depending on your level of experience and the operations you need to perform, you may want to explore additional commands and their parameters to fully leverage the potential of the command prompt (you can find a comprehensive list of Windows commands here).


In conclusion, the command prompt is a tool for issuing specific commands to your operating system using only your PC's keyboard. It is important to note that using the command prompt requires some knowledge of the commands and their functionalities. Syntax errors or improper use of commands can lead to undesired results. However, once you have acquired the necessary skills, the command prompt can become an extremely powerful tool for interacting with any operating system quickly and efficiently.

By following the instructions provided in this guide, you should now have a clear understanding of what the command prompt is and how to use it effectively.

Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't hesitate to explore and experiment with different commands to enhance your command prompt skills.

How to Use the Command Prompt: A Comprehensive Guide (2024)


How do I use Command Prompt? ›

To launch Command Prompt select Start -> Run and type cmd in the box. This is where you type commands. The boldface type below (that follows the command prompt) is what you should type as you work through this tutorial. Windows does not care if you use upper or lower case.

How to use comp command in cmd? ›

If you enter the COMP command with no options , the program will prompt you for the file and/or path designations. After you enter the second filename(s), the program will compare the files, issuing reports on its progress. If the files are not identical, it will report on the differences it finds.

How to use Command Prompt on Chromebook? ›

Getting the Command Prompt Through “crosh”

An alternate way to get to a terminal prompt is to use [ crosh ]: Go through the standard Chrome OS login screen (you'll need to setup a network, etc) and get to the web browser. It's OK if you login as guest. Press [ Ctrl ] [ Alt ] [ T ] to get the [ crosh ] shell.

How to use Command Prompt at school? ›

Type in C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe and then press ↵ Enter . This will open Command Prompt if it's available on your computer. If Command Prompt opens but won't allow you to type, it's administrator-locked, meaning you won't be able to use Command Prompt on your current account. Try using an installation drive instead.

What is the basic Command Prompt? ›

The Command Prompt window, on the other hand, is a simple black screen with a white text cursor that allows you to enter commands. To open the Command Prompt, you can use the search function in Windows or use the cmd run command (press Windows Key + R).

Is it hard to learn the Command Prompt? ›

The command line is relatively easy to learn, so it should take only a few weeks to get familiar with it. Of course, there are more advanced topics that will take longer to master, but understanding the syntax and how it works should only take a few weeks.

What is Command Prompt in simple words? ›

What is the Command Prompt. In Windows operating systems, the Command Prompt is a program that emulates the input field in a text-based user interface screen with the Windows Graphical User Interface (UI). It can be used to perform entered commands and perform advanced administrative functions.

Can I use cmd to find a Wi-Fi password? ›

Method 2: Check the Wi-Fi password via Command Prompt

Type and search [Command Prompt] in the Windows search bar①, then click [Open]②. In the Command Prompt window, type the command [Netsh wlan show profile name=”Wi-F name” key=clear]③, and then press Enter key.

How do I see all commands in cmd? ›

You can open the Command Prompt by pressing ⊞ Win + R to open the Run box and typing cmd . Windows 8 users can also press ⊞ Win + X and select Command Prompt from the menu. Retrieve the list of commands. Type help and press ↵ Enter .

How to master Command Prompt? ›

Getting Started with the Command Prompt. 12 lectures • 33min
  1. Opening the Command Prompt. ...
  2. Running as a administrator. ...
  3. whoami : Determining the logged-in user. ...
  4. cd : Changing directories and navigating the file system. ...
  5. How to read command prompt. ...
  6. Using the up and down arrow keys for navigating.

What is the no new privileges flag? ›

sudo: The "no new privileges" flag is set, which prevents sudo from running as root. sudo: If sudo is running in a container, you may need to adjust the container configuration to disable the flag.

What is Chronos password? ›

As he mentioned, there is no password by default for either ' chronos ' or ' root ' so you may have inadvertently set one somehow. If that's the case then you'll need to perform another powerwash and this time be sure you do not enable Debugging Features.

What to do if Crosh is blocked? ›

  1. Make sure your Chromebook is off.
  2. Unscrew your Chromebook back cover.
  3. Unscrew the battery and unplug the power cord connecting the battery and the motherboard.
  4. Open your Chromebook and press the power button for 30 seconds. This should bypass the admin block.
May 28, 2019

How to compare two files in cmd? ›

Comparing files (diff command)
  1. To compare two files, type the following: diff chap1.bak chap1. This displays the differences between the chap1. ...
  2. To compare two files while ignoring differences in the amount of white space, type the following: diff -w prog.c.bak prog.c.

How to clean a PC using cmd? ›

How to start Disk Cleanup by using the command line
  1. Click Start, and then click Run.
  2. In the Open box, type the following command, and then press Enter: c:\windows\SYSTEM32\cleanmgr.exe /dDrive Note In this command, the placeholder Drive represents the drive letter of the hard disk to be cleaned.

How to open gcc in cmd? ›

To do this, press the Windows key, type cmd , right-click Command Prompt, and then select Run as Administrator. Once the prompt window is open, double-check that the compiler installed properly (and that the environment variables are set) by running the command gcc -- version at the prompt.

How do I go back a directory in cmd? ›

Type. cd.. into the prompt. After you press Enter, this command tells the program to navigate back to the previous folder. It's important you type the two dots, since you won't navigate anywhere if you simply type “cd” into the prompt.

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