Joseph Sunday School Lesson (2024)

Joseph Sunday School Lesson (1)Check out our FREE Joseph Sunday School Lesson. Sometimes pride can get us into trouble. We let our ego run wild, and we can end up in a bad spot. The good news is, God can work out bad things for good - even our own mistakes. Pride can get us into trouble, just as it did Joseph, but when we trust God and ask forgiveness, he will work things out for our good. If you’ve made a goof this week, take it to the Lord. Admit your sins to God, and God will take those mistakes and turn them into something good. In this lesson, kids will learn that God gives us second chances and works things out for our good.This lesson is great for every Children's Ministry, Kids Church, and Sunday School! And, if you like this lesson we have over 100 more free Sunday School Lessons for Kids! Also, be sure to check outBible Crafts 6-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum.


God gives us second chances and works things out for our good.


Kids will ask God to give them a second chance.


Genesis 37:1-11, 37:19-20, 37:26-27, 45:4-8, The Story of Joseph


“Our help comes from the Lord. He is the Maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 124:8 (NIrV)


Sometimes pride can get us into trouble. We let our ego run wild, and we can end up in a bad spot. The good news is, God can work out bad things for good - even our own mistakes.


Dear God,

Thank you for giving us second chances.

In Jesus’ name,



“Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 124:8 (NIV)

“Our help comes from the Lord. He is the Maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 124:8 (NIrV)


Have the kids read the verse together. Read it normally, then in a whisper, then really, really loud!


Give all the kids a Bible. Then after you read the verse, give them the reference and see who can find it first in their Bible.




A table

A piece of paper

Modeling clay


1M, 1F


Professor Ted - An art teacher

Kristen - An art student

Kristen is working on clay at a table. Ted enters.

TED: Hello, Kristen.

KRISTEN: Hello, professor.

TED: How’s the clay project going?

KRISTEN: Great! Perfect! It’s going just perfect.

TED: Let’s see, what project did you choose to do?

Kristen hands Ted the paper.

KRISTEN: Here you go.

TED: Ah, yes, the puppy dog. How to make a puppy dog out of modeling clay in ten easy steps.

KRISTEN: Easy? Ha! Yeah, right.

TED: Looks pretty simple to me. Step one, make a body. Step two, the legs. Then the neck, the head, the ears, the tail…

KRISTEN: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. Real simple.

TED: So let’s see it. Where’s the dog?

KRISTEN: Right here.

Kristen holds up a snake made of clay.

TED: Where?

KRISTEN: Right here in my hands!

TED: That’s a dog?

KRISTEN: Yeah! What do you think?

TED: Kristen, did you follow the directions?

KRISTEN: Okay, you got me! I didn’t follow all the directions.

TED: Did you follow any directions?

KRISTEN: No. Not even step one. I didn’t even read it.

TED: Ah, I see. You thought you knew better, and so you decided to do it yourself.

KRISTEN: I messed up, didn’t I?

TED: Sounds to me like you let pride get the best of you.

KRISTEN: Are you going to give me an F?

TED: Well, I can’t give you an A for making a dog. But this… this doesn’t look half bad.

KRISTEN: It doesn’t?

TED: Well look what you did. You made a few mistakes early on, but you recovered and turned that dog into a lovely…


TED: Exactly.

KRISTEN: You really like it?

TED: Kristen, I love it. You made a mistake, but you still turned it into art. It reminds me how God takes my mistakes and turns them into something good.

KRISTEN: Really? You got all that from a snake?

TED: Not just a snake. A truly lovely snake.

KRISTEN: I never thought of snakes as being lovely. But thank you.

TED: Kristen, it’s important to stay humble, and not let pride get in the way. But when pride does get the best of us, it’s good to remember that God can still work things out for the best.

KRISTEN: I’m glad you think so. Remember that when you see the truck I made.

TED: You made a truck?

Kristen holds up another clay snake.

KRISTEN: Well… not exactly!



Chocolate chip cookies

Did you know that chocolate chip cookies were never supposed to happen? They were first made completely by mistake! A woman named Ruth Wakefield was preparing to make a batch of chocolate cookies when she realized she was out of baker’s chocolate, a key ingredient in her recipe. Instead of waiting until she could get some baker’s chocolate, she broke a sweetened chocolate into little bits and mixed it into the dough. Ruth thought that as the chocolate got hot, it would melt and make the whole cookies chocolate, but instead, the little bits stuck together. Ruth Wakefield goofed, and she invented the most popular cookie in the world!

We all make mistakes. We all let pride get the best of us. We all have times when we think we know better, and we do things our way instead of the right way. There are consequences any time we make a bad decision, but the Bible tells us that God works all things out for good - even our biggest mistakes.

When pride gets the best of you, confess your sins to God. Then trust God to work things out for good.





A box of 64 crayons


Choose one player for this game. Spread the 64 crayons from the box on a table. The player will have 60 seconds to try and put all the crayons back inside and close the box. If they can complete the task before time runs out, they win a prize.


Make this a race between two players to see who can refill a box of 24 to 64 crayons the fastest.


God can make something good out of our mistakes, just as he did for the boy with the coat of many colors.



God gives us second chances and works things out for our good.


Kids will ask God to give them a second chance.


Genesis 37:1-11, 37:19-20, 37:26-27, 45:4-8, The Story of Joseph


How many fans of arts and crafts do we have here today? How many of you guys are really, really good at coloring, or drawing, or doing some sort of art? How many of you can’t even make the simplest thing out of modeling clay? Come on adult leaders, let’s see your hands too. Who can’t make a simple animal out of clay to save their life?

Making crafts is a fun activity no matter what your age. It’s as popular with adults as it is with kids. It’s fun to create a drawing or a painting or a sculpture or a quilt or anything you can imagine out of thin air. Arts and crafts allow us to use our imaginations, and in the end, we create something unique and special. We have a piece of art we can put on display proudly and say, “I made that!”

If you’re a beginner, or you just need some guidance as to where to start, there are plenty of kits and instruction books out there to help you make something creative. A pre-packaged craft with all the materials needed and detailed instructions can be very helpful, especially if you’re just learning a craft. But sometimes all of us get tempted to do things on our own. Pride causes us to think, “I don’t need to follow directions, I can do this.” But when we stray from the instructions, we often find that we’ve skipped something important. We have to backtrack. We have to undo a mistake. Or we have to come up with some creative way to cover the mistake we’ve made. Sometimes it turns out bad, but many times, we find the mistakes we make can lead to something even better.

Today in our Bible story, we’re going to meet a young man who let his pride get the best of him. His name was Joseph, and he was the second youngest of twelve brothers. Joseph was their father’s favorite, and his father once gave him a coat of many colors that made his brothers jealous. Joseph didn’t make things better when he started bragging about these dreams he had.


How many of you know where this is going? How many of you can guess? Let’s see what happened to Joseph because of his pride

READ GENESIS 37:19-20, 37:26-27


God had a plan for Joseph. He would not have had these dreams if it were not so. But Joseph’s pride got him in trouble. He was sold as a slave, and later, he was thrown in jail. He spent many years away from home, alone, in a dungeon. Joseph made a big mistake, but in spite of this mistake, God was still with him. One day, God made him second in command of all Egypt, and when a terrible famine struck the land, Joseph’s dream came true. His brothers needed food, and they bowed before him, not knowing who he was.

GENESIS 45:4-8, The Story of Joseph

Joseph made a mistake, but God used that mistake for good. He used Joseph to save his family from starvation. It’s a great reminder that when we make mistakes, God is faithful to forgive us, and he will work things out for our good.


The Bible tells us that God is faithful to forgive us when we confess our mistakes. God sent Jesus to die for our sins, and when we admit we are sinners and ask for forgiveness, God wipes our slate clean. That doesn’t mean we won’t have consequences for our mistakes, but he will forgive us.

God also works out everything for our good. Just as he did with Joseph, he can use our mistakes to help us grow, to teach us, and to prepare us for new challenges down the road.

If we want God to work things out for the good, we need to first confess our sins. We need to tell God we are sorry, and we need to tell anyone we have wronged we are sorry as well. Once we’ve admitted our mistake, we need to also forgive ourselves. We need to remember that none of us are perfect, and we need to give ourselves a break as well.

When we ask forgiveness and forgive ourselves, it is then that God can work things out. Like an artist who had made a big mistake on a masterwork painting, God can show us the brushstrokes to make something beautiful out of our errors. God will use our mistakes to grow our faith and to show others he is faithful to forgive.

Pride can get us into trouble, just as it did Joseph, but when we trust God and ask forgiveness, he will work things out for our good. If you’ve made a goof this week, take it to the Lord. Admit your sins to God, and God will take those mistakes and turn them into something good.


Dear God,

Thank you for giving us second chances.

In Jesus’ name,




What is your favorite color?


Psalm 124:8

Give all the kids a Bible. Then after you read the verse, give them the reference and see who can find it first in their Bible.


Go around the group in a circle. Have each person name a color, and see how long you can keep the game going. Colors cannot be repeated. Anyone who repeats a color or gets stumped has to sit down. Who is the last person standing, and how many colors can you name?


Read Genesis 37:1-11, 37:19-20, 37:26-27, 45:4-8

What was Joseph so proud of?

What did Joseph’s brothers do to him?

How did God help Joseph save his family?

Can God make good things out of our mistakes?

Do you have a mistake you need to confess to God and ask him to make things turn out for good?


Dear God,

Forgive our sins, and work things out for our good.

In Jesus’ name,




What is your favorite color?


Psalm 124:8

Give all the kids a Bible. Then after you read the verse, give them the reference and see who can find it first in their Bible.


Go around the group in a circle. Have each person name a color, and see how long you can keep the game going. Colors cannot be repeated. Anyone who repeats a color or gets stumped has to sit down. Who is the last person standing, and how many colors can you name?


Read Genesis 37:1-11, 37:19-20, 37:26-27, 45:4-8

Why was Joseph so full of pride?

Why did Joseph’s brothers sell him as a slave?

How did God turn Joseph’s situation around and do something good?

Do you believe God can turn your mistakes into something positive?

Can you think of something you need to give to God so he can work it out for good?


Dear God,

Forgive our sins, and work things out for our good.

In Jesus’ name,


For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of thisJoseph Children's Ministry Lesson(just click the link).

Here's a video from Saddleback kids that you might find helpful to go along with your Sunday School Lesson on Joseph.

Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a JosephSunday School Lesson:

Sunday School Curriculum - The story of Joseph - DLTK-Bible

The Story of Joseph and His Coat of Many Colors - DLTK-Bible

The Story of Joseph Object Lesson | FutureFlyingSaucers

God's People Grow (Story of Joseph Lesson) - Ministry-To-Children

Free Sunday School Lesson for Children -Joseph - A Very Colorful Story

Joseph Sunday School Lesson (2024)


What is the lesson about Joseph in children's Sunday school? ›

This lesson is about the time Joseph helped Pharaoh by telling him what his dreams meant. Children learn that when they choose to follow God's Will, especially during times of difficulty or hardship, they build character, and the ability to serve the Lord even more.

What is the lesson learned from the story of Joseph? ›

Realizing she couldn't get him to compromise, she made a false accusation against him. Instead of being rewarded for his fidelity, Joseph found himself in prison. Just like Joseph, Christians today must not allow themselves to be drawn astray by these temptations. Joseph's example sets a powerful lesson for us today.

What was Joseph's jealous brothers Sunday school lesson? ›

Ask: Why were Joseph's brothers jealous and angry with him? (Joseph had boasted about his dreams that he would be more powerful than them and they would one day bow down to him.) Joseph's brothers were so angry and so jealous of him that they didn't care how evil their plan was.

What lesson do we learn from the story of Joseph and Potiphar's wife? ›

A principle that we can learn from Joseph's example is that if we do what is right, then the Lord will be with us and help us. When have you felt the Lord help you as you chose to do the right thing?

What was the message given to Joseph? ›

One night an angel came to Joseph in a dream and told him that Mary's baby was the Son of God. The angel told Joseph to marry Mary and to name her baby Jesus. Jesus was to be the Savior of the world.

What does the story of Joseph teach Christians? ›

Joseph shows how to glorify God in the dark places, and how to credit Him for carrying His followers through those places. It can seem like living up to the life of Joseph is impossible, but God calls us all to different destinations.

What are two principles of leadership you can take from the story of Joseph and apply to effective leadership? ›

8 Key Leadership Qualities of Joseph
  • Principled- he had character and integrity. ...
  • Humble- the power and prestige of his position working for Pharaoh never changed him.
  • Disciplined- Joseph had the proper long term perspective, even while in jail for a crime he didn't commit.

What is the story of Joseph about for kids? ›

After being betrayed by his brothers, Joseph was taken into Egypt and then thrown in jail for a crime he did not commit. In jail, he sometimes felt discouraged, but through his faith, he became known as someone who could interpret dreams.

What is the summary of Joseph? ›

He is the favourite son of the patriarch Jacob, and his jealous brothers sell him into slavery in Egypt, where he eventually ends up incarcerated. After correctly interpreting the dreams of Pharaoh, however, he rises to second-in-command in Egypt and saves Egypt during a famine.

What Sunday school lesson is Joseph forgiveness? ›

In today's Bible lesson, Joseph had a choice. He could choose to punish his brothers for what they had done to him, or he could forgive them and reunite with them. Joseph chose forgiveness, and God wants us to forgive others, too. Read aloud Genesis 45:4-7.

Why were they jealous of Joseph? ›

​To show how much he loved Joseph, Jacob made him a beautiful coat that had many colors. ​(Point to a child to bring their swatch to you.) ​Joseph's brothers were jealous because it showed that he was his father's favorite son. ​(Point to a child to bring their swatch to you.)

What does the story of Joseph teach us about jealousy? ›

Joseph had a dream from God. Instead of being able to rejoice with him, their latent jealousy responded in further hatred. Notice the progressive jealousy and anger in the brothers. Jealousy not only makes us want what others have, but it also makes us want them to not have what they have.

Why did God favor Joseph? ›

Joseph became the overseer of a vast amount of grain that would deliver Egypt and many other people from a future famine. This was the main purpose that God had for Joseph's life. He had absolute control over who would receive any grain that was stored up in Egypt.

What does Potiphar's wife symbolize? ›

Potiphar's Wife in Judaism

While the motif of an unfaithful wife vainly seducing an innocent man and accusing him of a forced sexual relationship might not be painting a representative picture of Egypt, there are various ways in which Zuleika was emblematic of Egypt as depicted in the book of Genesis and Exodus.

What are the weaknesses of Joseph in the Bible? ›

Weaknesses: Hard to identify any firm ones. Perhaps a lack of sensitivity, a lack of maturity, and maybe some amount of pride combined to make him keep telling his brothers his dreams about his own dominance over them (37:6-11).

What are the lessons from Joseph in the Christmas story? ›

Joseph displayed great courage by trusting his heavenly Father instead of his own feelings. He accepted his leadership role as a husband and father bravely, and so should we. If our family has problems, perhaps we should pray over them instead of panicking over them.

What was the lesson taught in Joseph meeting his brothers? ›

Joseph Forgives

Joseph's brothers come to learn not only is Joseph alive, but also a powerful figure in Egypt and their benefactor in the midst of famine. Joseph, reflecting on all he had suffered, could have indulged vengeance and punished his brothers. Instead, there is forgiveness and reconciliation.

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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.